Funny used car ads

If you cant laugh at ugly cars what can you laugh at? The dealership that launched ugly cars was, and still is known for selling vehicles with absolute honesty to a point of absurdity. Some of these delightfully offensive ads get listed here along with others that found their way to us via the internet.

black dodge challenger with front end damage

Sad story of a crashed challenger

By Roscoe | May 8, 2018

SOLD! Challenger Accepted. These cars have been a real smash hit since they first came out and this one is no exception. Despite the fact that this one has all the fury of a Dodge Caravan under the hood it still slid into an unfortunate situation involving car math: speed X mass + immovable object…

orange vdot plow truck

Stuck at home? Sick of waiting for VDOT? Plow your own road!

By Roscoe | January 16, 2018

The world is full of problems but being snowed in because your street is plowed last won’t have to be one of them! Homer Simpson did it, so can you! PLOW YOUR OWN ROAD with this handy snow plow truck! Hate kids? PLOW THE SLED HILL! Want to make sure the trash man, Chinese delivery…

merceded diesel swapped rusty c10 pickup

Almost as slow as it is ugly! DIESEL rat “rod” Chevy.

By Roscoe | January 12, 2018

Please rescue me from this truck before I decide to keep it. This thing has everything you could want. Styling inspired by an ugly stepchild, rust repairs made with expired license plates, a german diesel engine to make it slow enough for the brakes that barely work to be less of a concern. the floorboard…

red fire truck for sale in richmond

FIRE TRUCK! Ok that’s sorta a lie, It can’t put out fires. @ Roscoe’s Misfit Used Cars.

By Roscoe | June 9, 2017

SATISFY that childhood dream of owning your own “Fire” truck. Sure it has all the looks and even the feel of a fire truck but quite less then the function as the pump is inoperable. boo. THATS OK! This misfit fire truck has other great features. It comes with ladders! Those are fun, The lights…