12ft Brand new Basic Fit mobile Catering Trailer/ Food truck

More Information

lease be aware all our catering trailers are built to order. Our lead times vary throughout the year. Please contact for current build times.


12 ft. x 7 ft.

Twin Axle

2500Kg G.V.W

Professional Range

Box Construction

Constructed on our in house built mild steel chassis

Complete with corner steadies

Independent stub axles – Auto reverse braking

Heavy duty override coupling and jockey wheel

Full road running lights

Floors – Constructed using 18 mm wpb ply flooring

Walls – 14 mm, high gloss dry freight G.R.P transit board

Roof – Twin skin non translucent roof

Finished with aluminium extrusions and corner pillars

External G.R.P, fire lined, twin bottle gas box, 2 x 19 kg

Basic fit

Stainless-steel covered worktops

Under counter shelving

Over hatch shelving

Heavy duty non-slip flooring

5 gallon boiler

Two sinks, complete with mixer taps

Gas, Wall Mounted, Water Heater

Water cupboard

Fully pumped, hot and cold water system

Stable style door

Single hatch with customer shelf and lift up

LED ceiling lights

4 x double socket outlets

Consumer unit with RCD and MCB ,16 amp link up

Upright1/2 and 1/2 fridge freezer

36” griddle

4 pot Bain-Marie

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